Hi, I'm Jen!
I am here to illuminate the stories that are binding you and getting in the way of healthy relationships, your dreams and a fully expressed life of joy and bliss.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” - Rumi
I'm grateful that you found me here!
Hello! It is my mission to help you and countless others illuminate the stories that are binding us and getting in the way of healthy relationships, our dreams and a fully expressed life of joy and bliss.
If you feel stuck in a rut and unfulfilled in life, work and your relationships, you have come to the right place. First of all, I get you. I too encountered challenges in my career and personal life where I knew I wanted something more and better. My aha moment came when I realized that much of what was making me feeling trapped or disconnected in my relationships were just stories, or limiting beliefs. These false narratives were holding me back in experiencing all of the goodness my life had to offer. I really felt a sense of wonder when I also realized that there were similar stories in between me and creativity. The real awe came when I realized that overcoming these stories led me to living out dreams that I have carried since I was a child. I want to share this awe with as many people as possible.
Please allow me to be The Illuminator for you! All I need is your permission and willingness and then I can be the copilot on your quest for joy and bliss. You hold the key to the first door into this new, enriching life. You have the power to use it. And when you open that door, I will help you carve a pathway between your heart, uncover and understand the stories keeping you trapped in your life and relationships. From there, I will provide space and opportunities to dissolve and transform these limiting stories using tried and true methods and tools from mindfulness to connection to self and others as well as music, movement, art and other creative and expressive arts. I also love depth and levity so get ready to find more meaning and more opportunities to laugh too!
Whether you have sought me out for my counseling, coaching, workshops, retreats, podcast or book, I am confident that this website alone will help you illuminate the stories that are binding you on your path or in your relationships and discover your inner star! So, please keep exploring and reach out and connect with me too. I offer many opportunities, tools and gifts to help you do this so make sure you use the links. Subscribe to my email and follow me everywhere so you do not miss out on all of the powerful tools that will give you the fulfillment and freedom you’ve been hoping for.
Instagram: jenniferh.carey
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennifercareycounseling
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-h-carey/
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/@heallearngrow
Contact me at: jen@jenniferhcarey.com
Qualifications and all that Jazz
My background includes Master’s and Specialist degrees in Counselor Education from the University of Florida, Reiki Master Practitioner certification, and a License in Mental Health Counseling (Licensed Psychotherapist in Massachusetts and Florida). I am also an informed Internal Family Systems therapist.
I have over two decades of working with people to help them heal, learn and grow from healing arts, to psychotherapy, in school, agency, corporate and private practice settings. I have discovered that the power of mindfulness, Internal Family Systems, music and other creative and expressive art forms help us break through and transform these limiting beliefs and stories. I lead and facilitate personal and spiritual growth workshops and retreats that provide safe, creative, artistic and expressive opportunities for participants. As a result, we connect with the light that we are and shine in the ways we are meant to in this life.
clients helped since 2008